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Babymoov品牌的Azur矽膠一歲以下湯匙是柔軟且彈性十足,非常適合嬰幼兒的口腔。它的形狀、材質和尺寸都非常適合寶寶的初食。它可以讓您為寶寶提供第一道果泥和泥狀食物,作為其飲食多樣化的一部分。特點:可水洗耐溫度範圍從-20°到+120°100%安全:不含BPA、塑化劑和PVC材質:矽膠尺寸:6 x 1.5 x 20 公分
- $29.00
- $29.00
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適合初次進食和禮品贈送。餐具採用防滑和柔軟材料製成。離乳初期杯子(附蓋和湯匙):附帶方便的蓋子,可供微波加熱和存儲使用,尺寸適合離乳初期。帶吸管蓋的杯子:可附著於離乳初期杯子上,用於練習使用吸管。軟抓湯匙和叉子套裝:柔軟的湯匙和叉子頭對口腔溫和,手柄具有防滑和柔軟的質地。咀嚼碗:具有高邊緣和易於舀取的形狀,排水良好且易於清潔。咀嚼盤:易於收集和舀取食物,也非常適合寶寶自主進食。緊湊收納:不佔用太多空間,可以整潔地收納。適用年齡範圍:約5個月及以上。 ※微波加热是指将食物放入容器中加热以上描述的是一套婴儿餐具套装的材质、规格和包装信息。该套装包括以下物品:初次进食杯子(附带盖子和勺子):杯子本体和盖子采用聚丙烯制成,杯子底部和勺子尖端采用热塑性弹性体制成。容量为160毫升,耐热温度为140度,耐冷温度为-20度。可以用于微波加热和洗碗机清洗。柔软握持勺子和叉子套装:勺子和叉子的本体采用聚丙烯制成,尖端和把手采用热塑性弹性体制成。耐热温度为120度,可以进行煮沸、消毒液和微波炉消毒,可用于洗碗机清洗。杯子变成杯子带吸管盖:采用硅胶制成,具有喝口和吸管。耐热温度为140度,耐冷温度为-20度。可以进行煮沸、消毒液和微波炉消毒,可用于洗碗机清洗。咀嚼碗:碗的本体采用聚丙烯制成,把手和底部采用热塑性弹性体制成。容量为200毫升,耐热温度为140度,耐冷温度为-20度。可以用于微波加热和洗碗机清洗。咀嚼盘:盘子的本体采用聚丙烯制成,把手和底部采用热塑性弹性体制成。耐热温度为140度,耐冷温度为-20度。可以用于微波加热和洗碗机清洗。
- $195.00
- $195.00
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- $206.00
- $206.00
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套裝內容:手帕8片(海豚圖案・魚圖案,各4片)浴布2片(海豚圖案・魚圖案,各1片)薄紗浴布+手帕10件套裝具有良好的吸水性和快速乾燥性尺寸:手帕 24×24cm,浴布 28×65cm材質:100%純棉
- $88.00
- $88.00
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為媽媽準備的烹飪工具,推薦用於製作輔食的長效輔食製備套裝,即使輔食期結束後仍可繼續使用。這是一個既適用於製作輔食又能長期使用的烹飪套裝。它的尺寸較大,可以一次製作較多的食物,方便爸爸媽媽快速烹調。可以在微波爐中蒸煮、搗碎,並直接用帶蓋的方式保存在餐桌上,非常方便。設計簡單,適合成人使用,即使在結束輔食期後仍可作為家庭烹飪工具。可進行煮沸消毒、使用洗碗機清洗,以及適用於微波爐(註:濾網板不可用於微波爐加熱)。這是一個配備了滿足製作輔食所需全部功能的完美輔食調理套裝。「攪拌、過濾、切割、擦碎、煮熟、混合、榨汁」一機七用!易於烹飪,可堆疊收納,體積小巧不佔地方。這款產品源自於對"希望有這樣的東西"的聲音!"Cooking homemade meals for mom" 是為初次嘗試製作輔食的父母提供支持的產品。它可以根據寶寶的成長進行適當的烹飪,只需要這件工具即可完成。我們收集了實際經歷過製作輔食的家庭的回饋意見,並將所需的烹飪器具整合到了這個套裝中。 根據不同的組合方式,可以實現各種烹飪需求,從早期輔食到成人餐都可以使用。此外,由於零件可以堆疊收納,因此可以緊湊地儲存。這套內容非常豐富,適應了各種不同的烹飪需求,讓您滿意的套裝。 每個部件都經過精心設計,方便易用。 畢竟這些是每天都會使用的工具,所以無論何時都希望能夠無壓力地進行烹飪吧。這個餐碗的秘密在於它的底部是斜的,可以使湯汁和食材自然地集中在一起。 此外,碗的邊緣向內傾斜,使得舀取更加容易。 這不僅在烹飪過程中方便,也在用餐時非常實用。
- $199.00
$245.00- $199.00
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Star dummies soothe 99% of babies*, with an extra-soft zone at the top that nestles gently against the palate96% of mothers confirm that this soother is breast-feeding friendly*, making it easy to switch from breast to sootherOriginal NUK shape is round on the top...
- $67.00
- $67.00
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Star dummies soothe 99% of babies*, with an extra-soft zone at the top that nestles gently against the palate96% of mothers confirm that this soother is breast-feeding friendly*, making it easy to switch from breast to sootherOriginal NUK shape is round on the top...
- $67.00
- $67.00
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Star dummies soothe 99% of babies*, with an extra-soft zone at the top that nestles gently against the palate96% of mothers confirm that this soother is breast-feeding friendly*, making it easy to switch from breast to sootherOriginal NUK shape is round on the top...
- $67.00
- $67.00
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Tiny holes let just enough food through for baby to safely self-feed Silicone Feeder is durable and bite resistant Can hold anything from fresh food to frozen treats - perfect to use as a teether Lightweight for little hands to hold with mesh-free design...
- $55.00
- $55.00
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Perfect for toddlers learning to feed themselves, this amazing 12-ounce CaliBowl is built with a special non-slip suction foot that holds the bowl in place on the tabletop. The patent pending innovative design features a curved inner-lip that guides food back into the bowls...
- $142.00
- $142.00
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This set includes Miffy's wet towel and case, making it very convenient for carrying around. It is a must-have item for outings such as excursions and outdoor activities. The silver ion antibacterial treatment helps prevent the growth of bacteria.SizeCase: ∅63×91Towel: 320×290Product Weight: 60gMaterialLid/Body: PP...
- $59.00
- $59.00
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A convenient set of hand towels and cases perfect for outings and everyday use. The case is made of clear transparent material with a handle for easy opening.It is recommended to freeze the wet hand towel and carry it together with your bento box...
- $49.00
- $49.00
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It is a mug that allows practice with two different drinking methods using a straw. It helps to learn the natural movement of the lips and step up correctly. This mug enables practice with two different drinking methods: drinking upwards without a straw and...
- $108.00
- $108.00
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It is a mug that allows practice with two different drinking methods using a straw. It helps to learn the natural movement of the lips and step up correctly. This mug enables practice with two different drinking methods: drinking upwards without a straw and...
- $108.00
- $108.00
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It is a mug that allows practice with two different drinking methods using a straw. It helps to learn the natural movement of the lips and step up correctly. This mug enables practice with two different drinking methods: drinking upwards without a straw and...
- $108.00
- $108.00
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EDISONmama 動物杯 - 摩卡學習杯帶有附著的「耳朵」- 推薦初次使用杯子的寶寶 - 不漏水的吸管 - 方便學習杯喝水的吸嘴 - 非常適合野餐和外出使用 附著的耳朵- 非常可愛的耳朵可愛的造型設計,附著的耳朵讓孩子們感到親近和喜愛。動物造型設計讓孩子們產生情感依附,想要攜帶它們四處走動。展現可愛的設計這款可愛的動物造型設計,形狀圓潤。耳朵可以咬,讓您一定會想要拍下孩子從杯子喝水的照片。方便外出使用它帶有一個方便的帶孔,這樣您就不必擔心它會掉到地上。蓋子還有一個鎖定裝置,即使放在包包裡也能確保安全。它就像您的小伙伴一樣陪伴您散步。學習喝水的技巧透明的吸嘴使您可以清楚看到杯子內容物,吸管容易握在嘴裡,有助於孩子們發展喝水的技巧。設計使得即使是初學者也能感受到成就感。使用者友好和簡單設計它由總共六個部件組成,包括密封圈。由於部件較少且沒有突出物,易於清洗和組裝。您可以每天使用它的每一餐。適合初學者使用的吸管吸管有圓潤的尖端,容易握在嘴裡。它還具有防逆流閥,以保持衛生使用。如果所有部件都安裝牢固,即使在搖晃時也設計成不會漏水。采用Tritan材質製成杯子采用透明的Tritan材料製成。它提供類似玻璃的透明度,方便查看內容物。它輕巧耐用,即使不小心掉落也不容易破損。所有部件均可放入洗碗機清洗。容量:最大200毫升適用年齡:約6個月以上類型:摩卡尺寸/重量:105×90×100毫米/165克
- $158.00
- $158.00
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EDISONmama 動物杯 - 摩卡學習杯帶有附著的「耳朵」- 推薦初次使用杯子的寶寶 - 不漏水的吸管 - 方便學習杯喝水的吸嘴 - 非常適合野餐和外出使用 附著的耳朵- 非常可愛的耳朵可愛的造型設計,附著的耳朵讓孩子們感到親近和喜愛。動物造型設計讓孩子們產生情感依附,想要攜帶它們四處走動。展現可愛的設計這款可愛的動物造型設計,形狀圓潤。耳朵可以咬,讓您一定會想要拍下孩子從杯子喝水的照片。方便外出使用它帶有一個方便的帶孔,這樣您就不必擔心它會掉到地上。蓋子還有一個鎖定裝置,即使放在包包裡也能確保安全。它就像您的小伙伴一樣陪伴您散步。學習喝水的技巧透明的吸嘴使您可以清楚看到杯子內容物,吸管容易握在嘴裡,有助於孩子們發展喝水的技巧。設計使得即使是初學者也能感受到成就感。使用者友好和簡單設計它由總共六個部件組成,包括密封圈。由於部件較少且沒有突出物,易於清洗和組裝。您可以每天使用它的每一餐。適合初學者使用的吸管吸管有圓潤的尖端,容易握在嘴裡。它還具有防逆流閥,以保持衛生使用。如果所有部件都安裝牢固,即使在搖晃時也設計成不會漏水。采用Tritan材質製成杯子采用透明的Tritan材料製成。它提供類似玻璃的透明度,方便查看內容物。它輕巧耐用,即使不小心掉落也不容易破損。所有部件均可放入洗碗機清洗。容量:最大200毫升適用年齡:約6個月以上類型:摩卡尺寸/重量:105×90×100毫米/165克
- $158.00
- $158.00
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MIFFY and SNUFFY Seal Box 3-Piece Set, Miffy and Snuffy Seal Containers, Nesting Lunch Boxes, Miffy and Snuffy Character Kids Goods After removing the lid, it can be heated in the microwave. Perfect for storing lunch side dishes and fruits. After finishing your meal,...
- $97.00
- $97.00
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After removing the lid, it can be heated in the microwave. Ideal for storing lunch side dishes and fruits. After you finish your meal, you can stack the containers together, making it convenient for carrying. It has an antibacterial treatment and is made in...
- $99.00
- $99.00
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After removing the lid, it can be heated in the microwave. It is also dishwasher-safe, making cleaning a breeze. Additionally, this lunch box comes with two cores for added versatility. Capacity: 450ml (core 175ml)Size: Approximately H160 x W103 x D60mmMade in Japan
- $139.00
- $139.00
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