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Star dummies soothe 99% of babies*, with an extra-soft zone at the top that nestles gently against the palate
96% of mothers confirm that this soother is breast-feeding friendly*, making it easy to switch from breast to soother
Original NUK shape is round on the top and flat underneath, leaving room for natural sucking movements
Comes with reusable carry case that can be used in the microwave
Made in Germany; BPA-free
Isn’t it great when there’s something you can always rely on? The NUK Star soother is just that. 99% of babies are soothed by it*. 96% of breastfeeding mothers appreciate that it’s breastfeeding-friendly*. And more than 90% of orthodontists recommend it because of its jaw-friendly shape.* Unfortunately, babies can’t explain why they love their NUK Star so much. But we suspect it’s because of the pleasant feeling in their mouths: the special soft zone on the upper side nestles very gently against the palate, while the underside of the NUK Star leaves room for the tongue’s natural sucking movements. And because it’s very narrow and flat, hardly any pressure is exerted on the teeth or jaws.
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