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Soft Silicone Nipple: To achieve a softness similar to breastfeeding, the nipple is made of a special silicone material. This allows babies to enjoy a more natural and comfortable feeding experience. It features a cute Disney design and is easy to clean and carry. It has received support from many moms and won the "Baby Product Award" for breastfeeding in 2024. It was also awarded the "Mother's Choice Award" in 2021, chosen by moms themselves. It ensures proper latch-on and smooth tongue movement, providing comfortable assistance for breastfeeding.
"Latch-on line®" as a reference for nipple attachment depth
This is a wave-shaped line that serves as a reference for the baby's latch-on depth. It provides a reference for moms and dads who are concerned about how deeply the baby should latch onto the nipple. This "latch-on line®" guides the baby to achieve correct latch-on and supports smooth breastfeeding.
Latching on refers to the baby's mouth when the mother's nipple approaches it, and the mother placing her nipple into the baby's mouth. If latch-on is done correctly, breastfeeding and feeding can start smoothly.
Achieving "flexibility" for smooth tongue movement in babies
In order for babies to drink milk smoothly, the bottle nipple needs to have "flexibility" similar to a mother's breast. To achieve this, we use a silicone material specifically designed for a breastfeeding experience. This makes the nipple closer in softness to a mother's breast.
6 sizes to choose from according to baby's development
Based on Piaget's years of research, excessive flow is not suitable for a baby's development as it can put pressure on their breathing. Therefore, the "Breast-like Experience®" nipple offers 6 sizes to choose from based on the baby's development, ensuring the baby can consume an appropriate amount of milk.
Easy-to-grip wide neck bottle with convenient use
Based on moms' feedback, we designed a bottle with an easy-to-grip shape and curved body. This type of bottle is easy to clean, prepare formula, and has a wide neck design.
It is a 160ml polypropylene (PPSU) plastic bottle. We use high-quality plastic material, which is also used in medical devices. This is a cute bottle with a design pattern around it.
It comes with an SS size "Breast-like Experience®" nipple (suitable for 0 months and above). It is available in two sizes (160ml and 240ml) to meet the baby's feeding needs and purposes.
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