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For removing baby's boogers and more.
Tweezers with a rounded tip for added safety.
● The rounded tip ensures safe use for babies.
● Convenient and hygienic for disinfecting wounds with disinfectant on gauze.
● Also useful for various small tasks in daily life.
● Comes with a convenient cap for storage.
Q: Are there any precautions when using cotton swabs for cleaning a baby's ears and nostrils, considering their small size?
A: Cotton swabs are handy for cleaning delicate areas. We also have fine-tipped cotton swabs specifically designed for a baby's small ears and nostrils. To avoid the risk of damaging the eardrum or mucous membranes, please refrain from inserting the swab too deeply. Additionally, be mindful of the surroundings to prevent accidental bumps.
Q: What is the difference between "adhesive cotton swabs" and "cotton swabs with oil"?
A: Adhesive cotton swabs have one end coated with adhesive, making them convenient for removing dry dirt from the nose or ears. Cotton swabs with oil contain plant-based oil within the cotton ball, making them suitable for cleaning the belly button and ears.
Q: Why do substances like earwax stick to "adhesive cotton swabs"?
A: Adhesive cotton swabs have an adhesive coating (acrylic acid ester copolymer) on the cotton ball, which allows it to pick up dirt and debris. The safety of the adhesive has been confirmed through patch tests and skin allergy tests. However, be cautious not to insert the swab too deeply to avoid potential harm to the eardrum and mucous membranes.
Q: Do "adhesive cotton swabs" have an expiration date? Are there any storage precautions?
A: When unopened and stored under normal conditions, the quality of adhesive cotton swabs remains unchanged for up to three years from the manufacturing date. However, please note that exposure to temperatures above 50°C or direct sunlight may increase the stickiness, making it difficult to remove the swab from the film. Please handle with care.
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